Compass Saw


The long narrow blade of a compass saw is used for cutting holes in softer woods or in drywall, such as cutting a hole in a wall for a new electric switch. Compass saws have a wider blade than keyhole saws, for cutting straight lines with little clearance. Most compass saws have a single handle to which various blades can be fitted.

For cutting tight curves, the narrow blade of a keyhole saw is recommended to reduce binding of the blade.

Companion Tools

Power Drill or Yankee Drill | Drill Bit Set

Tool Tips

  • Apply light pressure while cutting, and make repeated cuts.

  • Heavy pressure will cause the blade to jam and travel from the desired path.

Prepare Before Use

  • Tighten the blade firmly to the handle.

  • Check your worksite with a stud finder, and confirm the absence of electric wiring.

  • Mark your cut path with a pencil.

  • Drill a pilot hole into the drywall or material for the blade tip to enter.

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